
塔斯社莫斯科3月26日电:俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京周六在《俄罗斯24新闻频道》上表示,俄罗斯不允许经济过度军事化(Russia does not allow excessive militarization of the economy)。

普京在接受记者帕维尔·扎鲁宾采访时表示:“我们正在以一种不允许过度军事化的方式建设我们的经济。至于我们所有的土木工程、医疗保健、教育和基础设施发展计划,我们什么都没有削减。什么都没有!而他们(西方)将不得不削减(支出)”("We are building our economy in such a way that we do not allow excessive militarization, As for all our plans for [the development of] civil engineering, healthcare, education, infrastructure development, we are not cutting anything. Nothing! And they [the West] will have to cut [spending]," Putin said in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin)。


“我们需要以其他方式(发展),但在特定的北约国家,这却是个问题。但当然了,这是他们的选择”,国家元首说("We will need to [develop] this in any way, but in specific NATO countries - that’s a question. But of course, this is their choice," the head of state said.l)。

报道的原标题是《Russia does not allow excessive militarization of its economy, says Putin》(普京表示,俄罗斯不允许其经济过度军事化)。