报道说,柯比在周一的讲话中表示,自去年12月以来,俄罗斯军队死亡的2万人中,“近一半”是瓦格纳人员,其中数千人被命令投入战斗,试图“在这场战斗中投掷人肉”(Kirby, in his remarks Monday, said that “nearly half” of the 20,000 Russian military fatalities since December were Wagner personnel, with thousands of deaths among the convicts ordered into battle in an effort “to throw human flesh at this fight.”)。
报道的原标题是《Spike in Russian combat deaths fuels fears of worse carnage to come》(俄罗斯战斗死亡人数激增加剧了人们对即将发生的更严重屠杀的担忧)。