
As an analytical language, Chinese has very weak morpheme rules, but this is not the weakness of Chinese. Most linguists admit that language has lost its grammatical markers in the process of development. Many European languages can prove this hypothesis to be correct. However, linguists are still debating whether analytical language is the best form of language. All languages will eventually become analytical language, or we are actually in the cycle of inflectional change to analytical language and then back to inflectional change.


In addition, Chinese characters are not restricted by grammar, and only serve for semantics. At first, each Chinese character corresponded to a unique meaning in ancient Chinese (for example, [骠骢骓骐骥骏骕駃驵驹骟骝骖騑騧骙骎骋骒] refers to a variety of horses, and one character responds to a horse that cannot be mixed with another character). Due to the influence of Mongolia and the expansion of Chinese characters, the Chinese began to combine Chinese characters together to express the meaning of a single Chinese character.

此外,汉字不受语法限制,只为语义服务。最初,每个汉字都对应着古代汉语中一个独特的含义(如[骠骢骓骐骥骏骕駃驵驹骟骝骖騑騧骙骎骋骒] 是指各种马, 并且一个字符响应于一种不能被另一个字符混合使用的马)。由于受蒙古的影响和汉字扩展的问题,中国人开始将汉字组合在一起,以表达单个汉字所表达的意思。