加拿大《环球邮报》的标题是《外交部长称赞与俄罗斯关系的同时,北京警告美国不要试图“遏制”中国》(Beijing warns U.S. against trying to ‘contain’ China as foreign minister hails Russian ties);

卡塔尔半岛电视台报道的标题是《中国外长警告说,如果美国继续走在对抗的道路上,就会发生“冲突”》(China FM warns of ‘conflict’ if US stays on path of confrontation);

路透社报道的标题是《中国说美国应改变态度或冒冲突风险》(China says U.S. should change attitude or risk conflict);

美国《政客》新闻网站报道的标题是《中国新任外长抨击美国“恶意对抗”》(China’s new foreign minister slams U.S. 'malicious confrontation');

美国全国公共广播公司新闻网报道的标题是《中国指责美国遏制并警告潜在冲突》(China accuses U.S. of containment and warns of potential conflict);

加拿大电视新闻网站报道的标题是《中国部长在首次新闻发布会上猛烈抨击美国》(China minister lashes out at U.S. in 1st news conference);