

“我们生产有价值的武器装备、军用和特种硬件以及武器系统。这些品牌都很有名,我只能提到其中的几个。很明显,T-90M‘Proryv’是我们最新的坦克。但在我看来,这是世界上最好的坦克,世界上!毫无疑问,它比豹式、挑战者或艾布拉姆斯更出色,尤其是其性能特点和质量方面”,梅德韦杰夫说("We produce worthy types of armament, military and special hardware and weapon systems. The brand names are well known and I can mention just several of them. It is quite obvious that, say, the T-90M ‘Proryv’ is our newest tank. But, to my mind, this is the best tank in the world. In the world! It is, undoubtedly, superior to the Leopard, the Challenger or the Abrams, especially in terms of its performance characteristics and its mass," Medvedev said)。


梅德韦杰夫指出:”前一段时间,我们没有考虑过这一点,但启动新的武器生产设施已成为必要。让我提醒你们,在1941-1945年伟大的卫国战争期间,苏联花了几年时间(武器装备—译者注)才至少与希特勒德国达成平衡,像T-34(坦克)、喀秋莎(多管火箭系统)及其他武器,也并非是一下子都出现的”("Some time ago, we did not think about that but the launch of new arms production facilities has become a necessity. Let me remind you that it took the Soviet Union several years to reach at least a balance with Hitlerite Germany during the [1941-1945] Great Patriotic War and weapons did not appear all at once, as was the case with the T-34 [tank], the Katyusha [multiple launch rocket system] and other armaments," Medvedev pointed out)。
