美联社华盛顿4月27日电:美国总统乔·拜登和韩国总统尹锡悦周三公布了一项应对朝鲜核威胁的新计划,美国领导人直言不讳地警告称,发动核袭击将“导致任何政权的终结”(President Joe Biden and South Korea’s Yoon Suk Yeol unveiled a new plan Wednesday to counter North Korea’s nuclear threat, with the U.S. leader issuing a blunt warning that such an attack would “result in the end of whatever regime” took such action)。
报道说,拜登在下午与尹锡悦举行的玫瑰园新闻发布会上表示:“朝鲜对美国或其盟友和伙伴进行核攻击是不可接受的,将导致采取这种行动的任何政权的终结”(“A nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies and partners is unacceptable, and will result in the end of whatever regime were to take such an action,” Biden said during afternoon Rose Garden news conference with Yoon)。
尹锡悦说,“正义联盟”(the “righteous alliance”)的新承诺包括在朝鲜核攻击的情况下进行双边总统磋商的计划、成立核协商小组,以及改善核武器和战略武器行动计划的信息共享。尹锡悦说:“朝鲜半岛的可持续和平不会自动实现”(“Sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula does not happen automatically”)。
报道说,拜登强调:“我们不会在朝鲜半岛部署核武器”(“We are not going to be stationing nuclear weapons on the peninsula,” Biden underscored)。
报道的原标题是《Biden, Yoon warn N. Korea on nukes, unveil deterrence plan》(拜登与尹锡悦就核武器问题向朝鲜发出警告,公布威慑计划)。