卡塔尔半岛电视台官网4月30日报道:随着伤亡率的上升,俄罗斯瓦格纳雇佣军负责人威胁“要从乌克兰东部的关键战役中撤军”,而乌克兰军事当局表示,俄罗斯军队无法切断通往前线城市的补给线(The head of Russia’s Wagner mercenary force threatens to withdraw his troops from the key battle for Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine as casualty rates mount while Ukraine’s military authorities say Russian forces have been unable to cut their supply routes to the front-line city)。
报道说,瓦格纳公司老板叶夫根尼·普里戈津在周六发表的接受俄罗斯军事博主谢苗·佩戈夫的采访中表示,“由于缺乏火炮弹药,巴赫穆特的损失比必要的高出五倍”(Losses in Bakhmut are five times higher than necessary because of a lack of artillery ammunition, Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin said in an interview with Russian military blogger Semyon Pegov published on Saturday.)。
普里戈津说:“每天我们都有上千具尸体被放进棺材送回家”(“Every day we have stacks of thousands of bodies that we put in coffins and send home,” Prigozhin said)。
普里戈津表示,他已致函俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖·绍伊古,要求尽快提供弹药。他说:“如果弹药不足得不到补充,我们将被迫要么撤退,要么死亡,以免事后像胆小的老鼠一样逃跑”(“If the ammunition deficit is not replenished, we are forced – in order not to run like cowardly rats afterwards – to either withdraw or die,” he said)。战斗人员从巴赫穆特撤出是可能的,但他警告说,这将意味着“俄罗斯的前线将在其他地方崩溃”(this would mean the Russian front line would collapse elsewhere)。
普里戈津说:“如果我们有更多的弹药,损失会减少五倍””。他之前曾指责俄罗斯正规武装部队,没有给他的士兵所需的弹药。他还指责俄罗斯高层背叛(He has also accused Russia’s top brass of betrayal)。
报道说,乌克兰军方发言人周六表示,俄罗斯军队无法切断巴赫穆特乌克兰保卫者的补给线。总部位于华盛顿特区的智库战争研究所(Institute for The Study of War)报告称,瓦格纳老板表示,他的部队每天只能收到向俄罗斯国防部要求的4000枚炮弹中的800枚。