
【文/观察者网专栏作者 图尔苏诺夫·巴体尔】

















今天,该地区国家正在 "中亚+"对话形式的框架内与主要国家建立平衡、建设性和互利的关系。2023年5月,中亚国家与中国的第一次领导人峰会在中国古城西安成功举办,为中亚国家与中国关系的历史翻开了展新的一页。





Elections in Uzbekistan: a factor of stability and development in Central Asia

Early elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be held in Uzbekistan on July 9, 2023. This is perhaps the most important political event this year in the most populous country located in the heart of Central Asia.

Uzbekistan is the only state in Central Asia that borders with all other countries of the region – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. Today, the population of Uzbekistan is over 36 million people, or almost half of the population of the entire region – about 78 million people.

Currently, Uzbekistan is the third most populous country in the post-Soviet space after Russia and Ukraine. In the early 90s of the last century, the population of this Central Asian republic was about 20 million people.

Four candidates from the country's political parties have been registered to participate in the presidential elections in Uzbekistan. In particular, Ulugbek Inoyatov – from the People's Democratic Party, Robakhon Makhmudova – from the Social Democratic Party "Adolat" (Justice), Abdushukur Khamzayev – from the Ecoparty, as well as the current President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

“Milliy Tiklanish” Party (National Revival) did not nominate its candidate, but supported the candidacy of Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

According to observers, if elected, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev will continue his course of large-scale reforms, which he announced when he assumed the post of head of state at the end of 2016. And, indeed, Uzbekistan has entered a period of profound changes and systemic transformation.

Large-scale reforms in Uzbekistan, which affected all spheres of life of Uzbek society and the state, including its foreign policy, contributed to the transformation of this country into the most dynamically developing country in the region. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, updated during the referendum held in April 2023, consolidated the country's strategic course for the modernization of society and the state, which had a positive impact on its foreign policy, primarily in the Central Asian region.

The results of the upcoming elections will determine the trajectory where Uzbekistan will move on in its further development. There is still much to be done, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has repeatedly noted, but reforms, renewal and modernization are irreversible.

The World Bank experts noted that Uzbekistan remains committed to the most important reforms, despite the difficult situation around the world and in the region of Europe and Central Asia. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has launched a large-scale reform program, in which significant progress has been made, especially in the field of economic liberalization.

According to analysts, the economic modernization of Uzbekistan and its growing political openness can have huge consequences for economic growth and political stability throughout Central Asia. Uzbekistan is the most populous country in Central Asia and its geographical center. These features make him a natural and historical trendsetter of political and economic fashion in the region.

The transformation of Uzbekistan's economy and the policy of openness are important for the stability, security and development of Central Asia. As the President of Uzbekistan noted: "Our main goal is to jointly transform Central Asia into a stable, economically developed and prosperous region."

For the first time since gaining their independence, the Central Asian States have confirmed their ability not only to take joint actions to ensure the well-being and prosperity of their citizens, but also to make decisions on common regional problems. Today, the countries of the region are consistently solving the difficult tasks of ensuring security and stability, sustainable socio-economic development of Central Asia.

A lot of barriers have been eliminated in a short time, first of all, sensitive border problems. Conditions have been created for the free movement of citizens, active cultural and tourist exchanges between the countries of the region.

For the first time, the implementation of joint industrial cooperation projects has been launched, new value chains are being created. Investment funds of Uzbekistan with Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan have been established to finance projects in the fields of industry, the agricultural sector, energy, infrastructure, automotive and other areas.

A favorable environment has been formed in Central Asia, which contributes to the growth of mutual trade. Uzbekistan has started creating border trade and economic zones with almost all countries of the region. Thanks to this, intraregional trade has doubled over the past five years. This is an unprecedented case. The total GDP of the countries of the region increased by $75 billion during this period. to over $358 billion.

All these changes have a positive impact on the daily life of the peoples of the Central Asian countries, improving their well-being, contributing to strengthening stability in the region. It is obvious that the reforms in Uzbekistan and its new regional policy have contributed to a serious acceleration of the economic development of the Central Asian countries.

Over the past five years, there has been a serious transformation of Central Asia, which has gone from a region of tension and conflict to a zone of mutual trust, cooperation and partnership. The agenda of the leaders of the Central Asian states has changed, in which issues of implementing common projects of interconnectedness in the spheres of trade, economy, investment, cultural and humanitarian ties already prevail today.

In short, in recent years, the dynamic trends of Uzbekistan's cooperation with neighboring states have acquired a qualitatively new, systemic and dynamic character. The international community recognizes that only a stable, dynamically developing and prosperous Central Asia can become an attractive, constructive and long-term partner.

This is evidenced by the fact that during this short period, Uzbekistan's bilateral relations with the countries of the region have been raised to the level of strategic partnership (Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan) and alliance (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan).

The mechanism of Consultative Meetings of the heads of Central Asian States initiated by Uzbekistan in 2017 has been successfully launched, contributing to the formation of common approaches and joint search for solutions to problems of regional security and sustainable development. An active, constructive political dialogue has become a key factor in strengthening mutual trust and the common responsibility of the Central Asian States for the present and future of the region.

Today, the countries of the region are building balanced, constructive and mutually beneficial relations with leading states within the framework of the dialogue format "Central Asia Plus". Thus, in May 2023, the first summit of the leaders of the Central Asian countries and China was successfully held in the ancient city of Xi'an, which opened a new page in the history of relations between the countries of the region and China.

At the same time, Uzbekistan actively cooperates with China within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. As part of participation in the Samarkand Summit in September 2022, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Uzbekistan, which once again confirmed the high level of relations of comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

Uzbekistan and China, which have centuries-old ties along the Great Silk Road, are carrying out fruitful cooperation within the framework of the Belt and Road initiative. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part in two high-level international forums held in Beijing in 2017 and 2019.

In general, summarizing the above, we can say that the election results will determine the trajectory of Uzbekistan's internal development, reflecting on the dynamics of regional cooperation in Central Asia and the prospects of Uzbek-Chinese relations of comprehensive strategic partnership. Important factors in this are the preservation of the course for large-scale reforms and the continuation of an open, balanced foreign policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


