



This idea can be included in the list of the worst ideas in history. Neither side can win such a war, and it will end in failure on both sides. In fact, this idea is not only a height of stupidity and madness, but also a complete evil. Perhaps you think this is an adventure game where you can always make a fortune in the next round. No one can revive the mountain of deaths caused by such a war. This kind of destruction will spread to the horizon and the hatred that comes with it for generations. Therefore, the idea of such a war is not only absurd, evil, and crazy, but it is also a war that both countries should do their best to avoid.


No one wants this war, neither side wants it to happen. The economic dependence between the two countries and the global system would make this war a global disaster before the bloodshed.


Leaving aside occupation, can both countries eliminate each other? Yes. Both countries have strategic nuclear capabilities, and both countries can destroy the entire world several times. But why do you do this? China and the United States are each other's largest trading partners.


The person asking this question doesn't even know what survival is. You may think that being defeated, occupied, economically destroyed, or colonized is impossible to survive. This is not our Chinese view on survival. Throughout history, China has been attacked countless times, sometimes we win, sometimes we fail. China has been divided into fragments multiple times, but it can always recover as a whole. No matter how long we separate, we still call ourselves Chinese, speak the same language, follow the same traditions and culture, enjoy the same cuisine, our history continues, and we still believe that ancient Chinese were our ancestors. We have lived for thousands of years, and we will continue to survive.



The world pattern has undergone changes, and the Chinese people are facing new challenges. But facing challenges is not new to us. The United States is a new country, but for China, facing a new great power is nothing new. The Chinese either drove away the invaders or made them part of China.


The war with the United States was devastating for those who had to go through it. But from a macro perspective, even if it happened, it was only a part of History of China in the school history book.


China is one of the most successful civilizations on Earth, and we will always survive.




To answer this question, it is necessary to compare the armed forces of the United States and China. The Chinese military is the largest in the world, with 2.3 million armed Chinese soldiers. As of January 31, 2021, the number of US military personnel is 1.4 million.


The Pentagon is clearly not as numerous as Beijing, but it is superior to China in terms of military budget.


If we talk about ground troops, they make up two-thirds of the Chinese military -1.6 million troops, 9150 tanks and armored personnel carriers, and 6246 large caliber guns. On the US side, the size of ground forces is much smaller. Their number is 460000. That's right, there are still 182000 people serving in the Marine Corps. The United States is at a disadvantage in the number of tanks and heavy artillery equipped with armored personnel carriers, at 8848 and 1299, respectively. On the other hand, the Pentagon is focusing on special forces.

如果我们谈论地面部队,那么在中国军队中,他们占三分之二的比例- 160万人,9150辆坦克和装甲运兵车,以及6246门大口径火炮。在美国方面,地面部队的规模要小得多。他们的人数是46万人。没错,还有18.2万人在海军陆战队服役。美国在配备装甲运兵车的坦克和重型火炮的数量上处于劣势,分别为8848辆和1299辆。另一方面,五角大楼正把重点放在特种部队上。


The main assault force of the US armed forces is the aviation force. In the air, the United States has at least four times the advantage: 13000 aircraft versus 3000 aircraft. The United States has a particularly strong advantage in terms of helicopters: the United States has 6000 helicopters and China has 802. The US Air Force is much better than the Chinese Air Force in terms of combat effectiveness and technical characteristics: in the US, the Fifth-generation fighter (F22 and F35) has been introduced or is in service, while only half of China's fourth generation aircraft have replaced the third generation aircraft. However, the Chinese Air Force surpassed potential enemies in terms of numbers, with 398000 and 308000 personnel respectively.



The number of Chinese navy is far ahead: 714 warships against 415 US warships, but even here, the US navy still has an advantage in firepower. The United States has advantages in the most powerful types of ships: the United States has 10 aircraft carriers, while China only has 3; 63 US destroyers vs. 32, 75 submarines vs. 68. The United States even leads in the number of fleet personnel: 323000 and 235000, respectively.



Indeed, it should be remembered that the Chinese navy has only begun to rapidly modernize and develop in the past nine years, when it began to participate in anti piracy operations along the coast of Somalia with its peers from other countries.


Rough calculations indicate that China has approximately 260 nuclear warheads that can be launched anywhere in the world. In addition to 150 land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, there are 48 ballistic missiles on board the ship, as well as bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The United States has approximately 1740 nuclear warheads.


Unlike the US military, the Chinese military is going abroad and trying not to conclude a Military alliance. This year, the Chinese military participated in joint exercises with the Russian military.


All these numbers are irrelevant because the US war against China is theoretically impossible. We will not be able to compare data from the same theater of operations. The US military is dispersed around the world.


If you think about the preparation process for the Iraq War, you will be surprised to find that the victory of the Iraq War has cost the anti Iraq coalition member states a huge amount. The first is the United States Air Force - the protagonist in the 43 day "Desert Storm" airstrike operation. 2600 combat and support aircraft. 116000 sorties were deployed in the conflict zone. Dozens of air bases in the Middle East, including civil airports from the United Arab Emirates to Egypt, are made up of aircraft from all over the world.



Approximately 700000 troops participated in the war (of which over 500000 were Americans), with approximately 2500 combat aircraft and 2000 helicopters, over 4000 tanks, and over 3000 from multinational forces (including the United States and allies). There are countless barrels of field artillery and mortars, with over 100 warships.


About 700000 people were mobilized from the Iraqi army, as many as 700 aircraft, more than 5000 tanks, 8000 artillery and mortars, and as many as 500 Surface-to-surface missile devices.


Do you really think the Chinese army will calmly watch the "enemy" troops gather near their borders? An aircraft carrier fleet that provides combat operations in water. All these preparation activities will take more than a day, or even a month. Is it really impossible to take preventive measures at this time to make the troops lose their ability during movement?


This is a factor. But in this situation, Russia will also take action. What position will the Russian authorities take? After all, once China's territory is attacked by a nuclear attack, people in the Far East and the Outer Bégard region may be affected. This is not in Russia's interest. This means that Russia's missile defense system may defeat the United States' nuclear attack methods.


Even in theory, it is impossible to defeat China without using nuclear weapons. In the case of using conventional weapons, a limited force will not be conducive to combat operations. Those who attempt to impose plans to defeat China may have never been to Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and many other cities.


I myself was shocked by the highest discipline of the people and the organization of rescue operations in areas affected by devastating earthquakes. For example, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, with a population of 5 million, was in chaos in the danger of flooding. The People's Liberation Army actively engaged in disaster relief operations. After the flood, the urban area soon returned to its usual appearance. Personally, I won't fight against such people.


No modern weapon can work in this war.



印度网友Lu Reluow的回答

When they all have nuclear bombs, 'dominance' no longer exists.


China is not the Taliban or Iraq, not even France or Britain, nor is it Japan during World War II, nor is it any major European country today!!


Nazi Germany had the "upper hand" in World War II. Within a few days, it invaded France, threatened Britain and invaded the Soviet Union. Then all these great powers united to defeat "exhausted Germany".


China is the "second largest country in the world", which means that if the United States declares war on China, both China and the United States will disappear.


If nuclear weapons are not used, China will easily defeat the United States, as it has the world's largest military.


It will predict the collapse of the United States, and the United States knows this, and you are no smarter than American leaders.



美国网友Saturday Susami的回答

I always feel surprised when people post these quite hypothetical questions without considering reality. The United States has no reason to declare war on China. Without a very good, completely honest, and completely legitimate reason, the United States would not declare war on China.


In addition, China will not give the United States such a reason, and China does not want to launch the World War III, which will be the result of the World War III.


Regardless of political stance and propaganda, the chances of the United States and China going to war with each other are quite low. Apart from their closely connected economies, both countries are superpowers. Neither country has the ability or intention to successfully invade the other. Even if Russia and China try together, neither side can successfully invade the other. On the contrary, both sides of the conflict will end in destruction and be weakened to the point of being vulnerable to weaker countries.


China knows that if it is weakened by the Conventional warfare with the United States, it will face the invasion of India, Russia and possibly Pakistan. (Don't ignore Russia, this is not the first time Russia has taken land from China, about 350000 square miles. For a long time, Russia has been doing whatever it wants and taking advantage of other countries when they are weak. China knows this and has been monitoring Russia for a long time, according to their own documents, for hundreds of years. The Chinese are not stupid either.)


Finally, as such a war will be a world war, some people will resort to nuclear weapons when they feel they will lose. China will not be the first to resort to nuclear weapons, although some politicians in Washington may suggest so, neither the legislative body nor the American people will allow it. Before long, Congress and the American people will exert pressure on this issue and deprive the President of the right to use nuclear weapons in the first strike, as well as the right to use nuclear weapons beyond declaring war. This leaves this power to other countries, such as Iran, turning it into a nuclear war. Once this happens, the entire Earth will be finished.




The United States did not have the upper hand. The United States is completely unprepared to engage in war with China. Fighting in China's own backyard is futile.


China is full of anti-ship missiles, including hypersonic missiles. The US Navy's supercarrier combat group will maintain a distance from the Chinese coast.


In terms of the number of ships, China has the world's largest navy (destroyers, frigates, light frigates, missile boats, submarines, aircraft carriers, etc.). Most of these ships are also relatively new and have been built over the past 20 years. The US Navy's fleet has a large number of old and outdated ships from the Cold War era, which have not yet been fully updated.



China's shipbuilding capacity far exceeds that of the United States. The United States is unable to land hundreds of thousands of troops on Chinese soil. With more than 2 million active servicemen, China is the largest Standing army in the world.


China has some of the world's most advanced stealth fighter jets.


The United States will not risk a nuclear war with China, and the Pentagon itself acknowledges that China has over 400 nuclear weapons. Once a nuclear war begins, there is no room for regret.

