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新浪军事 2016-10-24 12:07:03

  ARTICLEIV。 Each Party recognizes that an armedattack in the Pacific Area on either of the Parties would be dangerous to itsown peace and safety and declares that it would act to meet the common dangersin accordance with its constitutional processes。


  Any such armed attack and all measurestaken as a esult thereof shall be immediately reported to the Security Councilof the United Nations。 Such measures shall be terminated when the SecurityCouncil has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain internationalpeace and security。


  ARTICLEV。 For the purpose of Article IV, an armedattack on either of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on themetropolitan territory of either of the Parties, or on the island territoriesunder its jurisdiction in the Pacific or on its armed forces, public vessels oraircraft in the Pacific。
