1⃣️美国交通部宣布美中之间的直航航班数将从 48 个增加为 70 个。航空能促成人民与人民之间的连结,对双边关系至为重要。(Encouraged by @USDOT's announcement to increase the number of direct weekly flights between the U.S. and China from 48 to 70. Aviation enables the people-to-people connections that are essential to our bilateral relationship.)
2⃣️美国国务院中国事务协调办公室负责人马克-兰博特与中国外交部边界与海洋事务司司长洪亮在北京会面,双方进行了实质、建设、坦诚的对话,讨论广泛的海洋事务议题,包括南海和东海的局势。(China Coordinator Mark. B. Lambert met with PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director-General for Boundary and Ocean Affairs Hong Liang in Beijing where they held substantive, constructive, & candid discussions on a range of maritime issues,including the situation in the South China Sea and East China Sea. )

