It’s laughable that China claims it has the best technology when they continuously piggy back and steal ideas from other nations. If China truly has the best technology why do they seem to copy other people’s ideas?


If anyone else would like more please comment! I have 48 more Chinese knockoffs.


EDIT: Alright people are sounding off in the comments about how “copying is a crucial part of development” and everyone copies each other. And provides the basis that everyone copies ICBM’s and gunpowder and such. That’s not what I’m getting at. Look at LITERALLY any plane from the UK, France, Germany, Russia, India, South Korea. And none of them will look anything like the US. Unless they are licensed variants. Same thing with guns, tanks, ships, and everything. The Chinese are the only one who’s planes and engines and guns whose looks similar to American or even other nations. the Russian PAK-FA looks nothing like the F-22 or F-35. The French Leclerc looks nothing like the American M1A2 Abrams.


The Israeli Galil looks nothing like the American M-16. Sure they all function the same and use the basic principles but they all have different functionalities, looks, and design requirements. The French Leclerc is diesel powered and weighs less so it has more range but it’s less powerful in terms of firepower and durability compared to the Abrams.
